Good Offensive Pokemon type 進攻方面不錯的屬性

克制4個屬性 Super Effective Against 4 Pokemon type

5. 岩石系 Rock type (4)

進攻效果 Offensive Type Effectiveness

岩石系對付蟲系,火系,飛行系和冰系時非常有利。The Rock-type super effective against  Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice.

4. 火系 Fire type (4)

進攻效果 Offensive Type Effectiveness

火系對於蟲系,草系,冰系和和鋼系非常有效。The Fire-type super effective against  Bug, Grass, Ice and Steel.

3. 冰系 Ice type (4)

進攻效果 Offensive Type Effectiveness

冰系寶可夢在對戰方面扮演了非常重要的角色,它克制草系,地面系,飛行系和龍系寶可夢。The Ice-type is one of the best types offensively, and get the super effective against Grass, Ground, Flying and Dragon-type Pokémon. 

克制5個屬性 Super Effective Against 5 Pokemon type 

2. 地面系 Ground type (5)

進攻效果 Offensive Type Effectiveness

地面系被譽為電系終結者,因為電系的唯一弱點就是地面系。除此之外,他對火系,毒系,鋼系和岩石系都有傷害加成。The Ground-type hits Electric like no other can. It also have the upper hand against Fire, Poison and Steel as well as Rock.

1. 格斗系 Fighting type  (5)

進攻效果 Offensive Type Effectiveness

格斗系在和一般系,惡系,冰系,岩石系和鋼系寶可夢戰斗時無往不利。The Fighting-type is also one of the best types offensively and get the upper hand against 5 other types, including Normal, Steel, Dark, Rock and Ice, which is just enormous. Normal-type is generally is neutral, but Fighting hits it super effectively,


6. 蟲系 Bug type (3)

7. 草系 Grass (3)

8. 飛行 Flying (3)

9. 鋼 Steel (3)

10.妖精 Fairy (3)

11.水 Water (3)

12.惡 Dark (2)

13.電 Electric (2)

14.毒 Poison (2)

15.超能力 Psychic (2)

16.幽靈 Ghost (2)

17.龍 Dragon (1)

18.一般 Normal (0)

