是在開潛水艇? 萌魚「游進水母肚子」還能控制方向 專家:牠是請水母當保鏢

世界上從來不缺少新鮮事~澳洲攝影師Tim Samuel和朋友到拜倫灣潛水的時候,在海底看到了奇妙的場景。一條魚竟然待在水母的身體裡!這條傻魚暈了頭,不小心跑到水母肚子裡,然後出不來了嗎?




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@franny.plumridge and I were starting to think we were the only ones to witness anything like my Fish Trapped in a Jellyfish photo. That was until this afternoon when I received a very exciting email "I too have witnessed this rare phenomenon. I captured it on video while snorkeling at Double Reef beach in Guam in 2013. Over the course of several minutes I watched the fish exit the Jellyfish, swim back inside the Jellyfish, and apparently steer the Jellyfish at will, and repeat. I researched the unusual behavior when I first encountered it, however could not find anything on the internet to explain the behavior. Perhaps others will communicate their experiences and a collaborative understanding of this behavior will immerge" - words and video from Brent Collins

Tim Samuel(@timsamuelphotography)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Tim已經從事攝影工作5年了,但從沒看到過這種奇觀。澳洲昆士蘭大學教授兼魚類專家Ian Tibbetts解釋說,這可能是一條鰺魚,這種魚會依附在水母上尋求保護。Tim拍到的那隻小魚應該不是被水母吃掉了,而是把水母當成了保鑣,牠待在水母肚子裡反而覺得很安全,非常開心呢~

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