[情報] Riot 預定夏季賽事收費新功能 Pro View

Riot 預定夏季推出觀看《英雄聯盟》賽事收費新功能「Pro View」 可切換至選手視角

《英雄聯盟》開發商 Riot 近日公開觀看賽事收費新功能「Pro View」,玩家將可以選手的第一人稱視角觀賞賽事等,新功能預定夏季在歐美地區實裝。


「Pro View」是一個觀看《英雄聯盟》比賽的新功能,玩家可以付費解鎖場上 10 位選手的視角,透過切換到某位特定選手的視角,確切的觀看他們的遊戲內容,包含實況或是VOD 等,讓玩家掌握比賽所有即時資料。


《英雄聯盟》收費新功能「Pro View」預定夏季在歐美地區上線。

《英雄聯盟》新功能「Pro View」介紹頁:https://watch.lolesports.com/pro-view/get   




True POV StreamsTrue POV Streams

Unlock exclusive access to point of view streams for every player in every game - live or VOD. See exactly what they see, down to clicks and keystrokes. Take notes for Solo Queue.Unlock exclusive access to point of view streams for every player in every game - live or VOD. See exactly what they see, down to clicks and keystrokes. Take notes for Solo Queue.


Control up to four streams at once and swap them out without the hassle of lag. They stay in sync so you can keep up with the action.Control up to four streams at once and swap them out without the hassle of lag. They stay in sync so you can keep up with the action.

Advanced TimelineAdvanced Timeline

Kills and objectives are marked on the video timeline, meaning you can hover over for a quick picture of the game and find big plays easily.Kills and objectives are marked on the video timeline, meaning you can hover over for a quick picture of the game and find big plays easily.

VODs, Stats & HighlightsVODs, Stats & Highlights

Take advantage of full Pro View functionality for VODs. Track player stats and quickly powse in-game moments without leaving the player.Take advantage of full Pro View functionality for VODs. Track player stats and quickly powse in-game moments without leaving the player.

Watch with FriendsWatch with Friends

Sync up with friends using your unique Pro View URL - their timeline will update alongside yours as the game plays out.Sync up with friends using your unique Pro View URL - their timeline will update alongside yours as the game plays out.

