






Here's Riot MapleNectar with the most recent /Dev blog on TFT:

"Hey Folks! 
Teamfight Tactics has been out just under a week now, and we (and our servers at times) have been overwhelmed with the response. You’ve been playing a ton of games and been providing a ton of great feedback! We figured it’s a good time to discuss some of the hottest topics we’ve seen so far, and outline our future plans with the mode. 
The rest of Patch 9.13 
As we continue into this patch, and our Pre-Ranked Beta, we’ll be making swift adjustments and balance changes every few days as new things are discovered. By the time you read this, we’ll have already made adjustments to Garen, Yasuo, Morellonomicon, Kennen, the drop chances of all units, and more. We’ll be at this pace and as much as needed all the way up to 9.14. Our goal is that when the season starts, Teamfight Tactics will be in the best possible state. We’ll also be on the lookout for any nasty bugs that need immediate attention, so keep pointing them out to us when you see them! 
Patch 9.14 - Ranked & New Content 
With the official start of our first season (we’re calling it the “Beta Season”), you’ll be able to join the ranked queue and climb the ladder to see just how great of a tactician you really are. Something worth noting is that while you can’t win every game of TFT, if you place in the Top 4 you’ll typically gain LP and move up in rank. So even if you aren’t quite able to find the units or items you were looking for, don’t give up! 
We will also be adding our first new champion to Teamfight Tactics in patch 9.14! Twisted Fate, a Pirate Sorcerer will help you dubloon seeking tacticians flesh out your team comps and think about your early game differently. 

