



這應該是參考希臘羅馬神話名畫—「希臘第一勇士」- 阿基裡斯

I just realized. Riot remove magic reduction on irelia w, but we have absolute immunity to damage for pantheon

For all the people asking for more interactions is simple: If pantheon is looking in the direction of the enemy with his e no Matter what skill spell atack or where the champion is ( and enemy karthus ulting from red base with Phanteon in blue base) Phanteon isnt going to take any damage at all Altrought you still can CC him in his e no matter where he is facing.

Xin zao: my ulty is the best immune to damage spell New pantheon: hold my spear

Urgot: You died Pantheon: Well yes but actually no

I'm just glad Pantheon doesn't have those ugly sandals anymore

Windwall left the game

Getting those irelia flashbacks after her rework W.

Damn, what a healthy mechanic... But it's gonna be fun guessing where is the global ult coming from to dodge it!

Only champ who should even have a shield like this Is paum

