
近日2019全球電競獎金排行榜公佈,獎金最多的項目為Dota2,英雄聯盟排名第4。在電競選手累計獎金排行榜中,Dota2職業選手霸榜前十,亞洲區排名最高的是來自LGD戰隊的Dota 2選手Somnus丶M,積累獎金為$2,916,865.42,位列第15名

在電競項目獎金排行榜中,Dota 2以高達$216,916,059.90的總獎金霸榜,第二名為總獎金$80,592,271.55的CS:GO,第三名則是總獎金$74,871,715.43的Fortnite,英雄聯盟的總獎金為$69,081,347.58,排名第4位。

而在電競俱樂部累計獎金排行榜的前十名中,可以看到很多在Dota 2項目上具有統治力的俱樂部,前二分別是前段時間Dota 2國際邀請賽Ti 9的亞軍戰隊Team Liquid和雙冠王戰隊OG。亞洲區排名最高的排名第5的Newbee,入選前十的還有排名第7的VG和排名9、10的LGD和iG。在這份榜單上排名最高的英雄聯盟俱樂部為排名第13的SKT。



Unique sets will only include custom-built Eternals for each champion, such as Sylas’ “Stop Hitting Yourself” and Shen’s “Party Crasher.” They’ll be available year-round for 590 RP. Each set will contain 
three Unique Eternals per champion. 
We’re also exploring ways to offer discounted multi-champion bundles for players who want to pick up Eternals for multiple champs, but we haven’t figured out all the details just yet. We’ll have more to share as we get closer to the new launch. 
If you’d like to try out Eternals now, head over to PBE to test them out on all your mains! They’ll remain on PBE until they go live, especially since we want your help coming up with new Unique Eternals and testing the ones that we’ll be adding regularly. We’ve already seen some great suggestions for new Eternals, and we hope you continue to share those—and your thoughts on the ones in testing—on the PBE Boards. 
Your candid feedback after the reveal has been incredibly helpful, especially from those who saw what we saw in Eternals and took the time to outline what specifically felt bad and what you’d like to see improved. We hope you keep the comments coming as we work to create the best version of Eternals."

