
  • 哈嘍~我是啵緹,是位遊戲實況主🎮
  • 今天要為各位介紹的是 9.18最新的改動資訊(由PBE實測)
  •  並為各位帶來傳說中的「9巫師」, 各種毀天滅地!秒人不手軟! 體驗全新快感~~😂
  • 相信這幾天大家應該也接受了各種不同新裝備的資訊, 所以這邊決定再幫各位統整一遍,並且做了一張「9.18新裝備合成表」
  • 先看仔細,才不會選秀時拿錯了裝備嘍!
  • 那如果你也有很厲害的秘訣或是技巧, 也歡迎一起交流、分享哦😂

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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/botylove

9.18Plan is to take another pass at Akali and Aatrox. Rather than just stats nerfs we'll be investigating small mechanics changes that are solo queue positive/pro negative if possible.We’ll also have some Teemo quality of life (ish) stuff likely in 9.18 too.Likely to be a fairly small patch overall, given focus on preseason and desire to keep things stable. 
9.19Is the patch Worlds will be played on so will also be fairly small on the SR side. Will have some balance changes in it based off whatever’s needed at the time, not planning anything beyond reactive balance work for it though. 
9.20+Here we'll shift focus more towards a mixture of solo queue driven work. Shaco and Garen work potentially land in or around 9.20 for example.The SR team will also be spending a lot of their time getting preseason changes ready. 

