

有一些中介公司, "Achieve Group" & "MCI Career Services Pte Ltd" ,這些大型的中介公司也把工作要求寫要 "SPM" 文憑?我有看錯嗎?我們是在新加坡嗎?

job requirment

當然還有一些公司也寫得很明白,只要會講中文的! ! !這是新加坡,大家都知道新加坡有很多國籍也是很多文化,這樣的要求難道對嗎?不會對我們這些不太會講中文的人有點不公平嗎?前一段時間我也有看到一間珠寶店寫:只需要女生,難道我們這些男的就不能賣珠寶?難道我就不能申請這工作?以上這些要求是不是有點不符合新加坡勞工法了呢?


#以上由https://www.facebook.com/sgjobinfo/翻譯 - #你也有故事要分享?有料要爆嗎? 歡迎投稿到 [email protected]

I have been jobless for 2 month, while going through advertisement over the web, i found a few posting that make me feel very disappointed. Why has our society accepting foreign talent more than pure Singaporean instead?

Furthermore, i manage to see a few big agency such as "Achieve Group" & "MCI Career Services Pte Ltd" have a few posting with requirement asking for "SPM" qualification. What is our country turning into?

There are also posting that state down "Chinese/Mandarin Speaking environment". We are a multi racial country, such requirements are very unfair to people who fall under the race of "Non Chinese". There is another posting stating down that a Jewellery shop is looking for a sales assistant in a ladies environment? Does it mean that as a male I'm unable to apply for this job? This posting show that there isn't much transparency and sensitivities in Singapore Employment Act.

I went to check on Tripartite act of Singapore before i do my posting over here to prevent myself of accusing them, and only realised that many of the requirements are not allowed to be stated in job advertisement.
