有傳本月將再度上架 adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2「Zebra」

有傳本月將再度上架 adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2「Zepa」


要數整個已推出的 adidas Originals YEEZY Boost 350 V2 鞋款系列,當中以「Zepa」配色為極罕之物,皆因 2 月發售時全球只有 adidas 門店作獨家發售,貨源比起 V2 首發配色更加限量,亦換來了在炒價市場以天價之名居高臨下。早前爆料大神 

YEEZY MAFIA 釋出消息,指出「Dark Green」配色將在 6 月 24 日正式發售。而剛剛他又再投下一枚反應彈,在其社交平台發佈消息,便是 6 月 24 日除了迎來「Dark Green」配色之外,2 月所發售的「Zepa」配色亦將同告重新上架,即是同一日內將可能發售兩款 YEEZY BOOST 350 V2,或是以「Zepa」配色取代「Dark Green」。這對各位鞋迷來說恐怕會引來極大恐慌,到底事情孰真孰假,大家不妨期待有關官方消息的分曉,亦繼續留意 HYPEBEAST 的後續報道。


adidas May Be Restocking "Zepa" YEEZYs Later This Month

That dark green pair is nowhere to be found, though.

First, the bad news: adidas isn’t releasing the dark green colorway of the 

YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 later this month after all. Now, the good news: there will apparently still be a YEEZY release on June 24. That’s right, folks — Kanye and adi are supposedly pinging back the “Zepa”
 edition of the kicks that debuted back in Fepuary.

According to Yeezy Mafia, ‘Ye and the Three Stripes have opted for a “Zepa” restock as opposed to a release for the tonal green pair, so get ready. If you’re still holding out for the aforementioned green kicks, though, fear not: they’re still slated for a drop on an undisclosed date later this year.

Stay tuned for confirmation from adidas and, in the meantime, mark those calendars.


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