向葛飾北齋致敬!Ceeze 打造客製版 Nike Air VaporMax「VaporWave」

向葛飾北齋致敬!Ceeze 打造客製版 Nike Air VaporMax「VaporWave」


Nike 人氣鞋款 

Air VaporMax 就算已推出了多個配色依然一鞋難求,而球鞋客製師 Ceeze 最近就以此鞋款作為創作媒介,打造客製版 Nike Air VaporMax「VaporWave」。鞋身圖案源自日本浮世繪大師葛飾北齋,所創作的《冨嶽三十六景》浮世繪系列當中的《神奈川沖浪裡》,整個浪佔據了鞋身 2/3 的位置,更忠於原著加入與巨浪搏鬥的木船及富士山。Ceeze 更將 Air Bag 染成藍色,為鞋款增添更多海洋的味道,而鞋舌上本身的「VAPORMAX」字樣,亦變成了「VaporWave」的日文拼音「ベイパーウェイブ」。鞋款限量製作 5 雙,定價為 $525 美元並已於 
Ceeze 官網接受預訂當中。


This Nike Air VaporMax "VaporWave" Custom Pays Homage to Japanese Artist Katsushika Hokusai

Featuring the artists’ revered “Great Wave” impression.

Drawing creative influence from revered Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai’s famed ukiyo-e woodblock prints is this themed 

Nike Air VaporMaxmodel from custom sneaker artist Ceeze. Dubbed “VaporWave,” the uppers take on a color scheme comprised of varying shades of blue, with the intricate impression work hitting the heel to side panel region. A closer look at the artistic rendering reveals Hokuasi’s “Great Wave” design along with a mountainous landscape and miniature boat sketches floating off in the backdrop. Rounding out the custom rework is the icy blue Air-infused sole unit. For a closer look, drop by Ceeze’s 
online shop today.

In other footwear news, CLOT and Converse have apparently linked up to reimagine the One Star silhouette.

