Pokemon Go Version 1.39.0 & 0.69.0 寶可夢go最新版本

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Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.69.0 for Android and 1.39.0 for iOS devices. 

  • 寶可夢情報畫面新增精靈球圖示,可確認該隻寶可夢是以哪一種精靈球捉到。Added icons to the Pokémon information screen to indicate how the Pokémon was caught.
  • 在團體戰中獲勝後,仍可旋轉道館的轉盤獲得道具。Added the ability for Trainers to spin the Photo Disc at a Gym after completing a Raid Battle.
  • 訓練家可在寶可夢情報畫面上以遙控方式餵食被指派至道館的寶可夢。請注意,以遙控方式餵食樹果的效果將會減弱。Added the ability for Trainers to send Berries to their Pokémon defending Gyms through the Pokémon info screen when they are not nearby. Motivation regained will be less effective through this method.

  • 即使被指派至道館的寶可夢幹勁計量表是滿的,訓練家仍可餵食樹果。Added the ability for Trainers to give Berries to Pokémon defending Gyms if their motivation meter is full.
  • 改善寶可夢搜尋功能。Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality.
  • 修復無法完成團體戰的問題。Fixed an issue where Trainers were unable to complete Raid Battles started before time expired on the map view.
  • 修復寶可夢自道館返回同行隊伍時會發生的問題。Fixed an issue where Pokémon are not properly returned to their Trainer after defending a Gym.
  • 修正部分程式錯誤。Various bug fixes.

