「精靈寶可夢GO」開啟秋季活動 吉利蛋可以孵出來了!

「精靈寶可夢GO」開啟秋季活動 吉利蛋可以孵出來了!

秋天的腳步已經到來了,《精靈寶可夢GO》也不會錯過這個美妙的季節,從9月23日起至10月2日,除了捉到寶可夢和蛋孵化時可獲得的「星星沙子」將會加倍之外,可在寶可補給站及道館獲得的 2KM 蛋也有機會孵出吉利蛋、咩利羊及幼基拉斯等稀有的寶可夢。

「精靈寶可夢GO」開啟秋季活動 吉利蛋可以孵出來了!


「精靈寶可夢GO」開啟秋季活動 吉利蛋可以孵出來了!


Pokemon GO 慶祝換季活動





Pokemon GO 換季活動詳情 名稱 Pokemon GO 換季活動詳情 描述 北/南半球季節轉變慶祝 開始日期 9月23日上午4點(台灣時間) 結束日期 10月3日上午4點(台灣時間) 效果 抓寶和寶可夢孵化時獲得雙倍 2KM蛋能孵出吉利蛋、咩利羊及基拉斯等等 特別活動禮盒銷售內含: 超級孵化器、幸運蛋和櫻花 當圖鑑登錄新寶可夢XP 3倍增加



With cool autumn nights quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and sunny spring days arriving in the Southern Hemisphere, we thought it would be the perfect time to celepate the coming equinox with an in-game event. New seasons mean new adventures!

From 1:00 P.M. PDT on September 22 to 1:00 P.M. PDT on October 2, 2017, you』ll have the opportunity to earn double Stardust for catching Pokémon and hatching Eggs as you walk around your neighborhood discovering new sights. While you』re out exploring, be sure to visit your local PokéStops and Gyms to collect special 2 km Eggs that have the opportunity to hatch Pokémon such as Chansey, Mareep, Larvitar, and more. You』ll also be able to get special boxes from the in-game shop that feature items like Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules, and all-new Super Incubators which hatch Eggs 1.5 times quicker!

Registering a new Pokémon to your Pokédex during this limited-time celepation will earn you triple the normal XP. So that makes this a very good time to battle against the Legendary Pokémon originally from the Johto region. Don』t forget that Raikou, Entei, or Suicune will each travel to a new part of the world on September 30, so make sure to battle the Legendary Pokémon currently in your area while you can!



