

簡單式(simple tense)、進行式(progressive tense)、完成式(perfect tense)、完成進行式(perfect progressive tense)。


  • 過去簡單式(past simple tense)
  • 過去進行式(past progressive tense)
  • 過去完成式(past perfect tense)
  • 過去完成進行式(past perfect progressive tense)

  • 現在簡單式(present simple tense)
  • 現在進行式(present progressive tense)
  • 現在完成式(present perfect tense)
  • 現在完成進行式(present perfect progressive tense)

過去簡單式(past simple tense)S + V-ed

● 表示過去發生的動作或狀態

   Ex:I played tennis yesterday. (我昨天打網球)

          I ate lunch. (我吃過中餐了)

        It rained this morning. (今天早上有下雨)

        I loved you (我過去是愛你的) => 但現在不愛了

        He was a good man. (他過去是個好人) => 現在可能變壞了或是死了

● 表示過去的習慣動作

   Ex:I went to school by bike when I was a child. (我小時候都是騎車去上學的)

        He took a walk every morning when he lived in the country.         (當他住在鄉下時有每天散步的習慣) 

過去進行式(past progressive tense)【S + was/were + V-ing

● 敘述在過去時間正在進行的動作。常與其它句子合用 

  Ex:I was playing tennis when you called. (你打給我的時候我正在打網球)

        Jerry was taking a shower when his girfriend came.         (Jerry的女友去找他的時候,他正在洗澡)

        When I saw her in the pub, It was playing this song.         (我在pub看到她時正播著這首歌)

過去完成式(past perfect tense)S + had + p.p

● 過去完成式是不能單獨用的。我們用的時候,必須有另一個事件。也就是說,假如我們有兩件事 A和    B,兩件事都發生在過去,但 A發生在 B以前,A應該用過去完成式,B則用過去式。

   Ex:He had studied Chinese before he came to Taiwan. (他來台灣以前,曾學過中文)

        It had already snowed before Monday. (週一以前,已經下過雪了)

        He had worked before he dicided to go to college. (他唸大學以前,曾經工作過)

● 表示過去未實現的願望或計畫。   Ex:I had hoped to learn French. (我曾希望學習法文)

過去完成進行式(past perfect progressive tense)S + had been + V-ing


  Ex:He had been studying before he went to class. (在他來到班上前,已經很認真讀書了)        =>強調在他來到班上之前的這段時間   

     I had been seeing your mother before I was 14 years old.         (我十四歲以前,就曾見過你的母親)  

      I had been sleeping before you called me. (我在你打電話給我之前已經睡覺了)

現在簡單式(present simple tense)【S + V

● 表現在發生的動作或狀態   Ex:I hear the music. (我聽到音樂)      

  I am thirsty. (我很渴)

● 表習慣性的動作或狀態  

Ex:I play tennis. (我打網球) => 表示我有打網球的習慣     

   It rains often here. (這裡常下雨)

● 表真理、事實或自然界的現象  

Ex:Three points define a plane. (三點決定一個平面)      

  John loves July. (約翰愛茱莉)

 The sun sets in the west. (太陽從西邊落下)

現在進行式(present progressive tense)【S + V-ing

● 表示現在正在進行的動作   Ex:I am eating lunch. (我正在吃中餐)

        I am playing tennis. (我正在打網球)

        It is raining. (現在正在下雨)

        John is loving July. (X) => love 是一種狀態,不是一種動作,所以要用現在式

● 表示在近期內即將發生的事情或計畫未來要做的事。

   Ex:I am leaving here tomorrow. (我將在明天離開)

        He is going to Hong Kong next week. (他將在下個禮拜去香港)

現在完成式(present perfect tense)【S + have + p.p


● 表示發生在過去,而一直延續到現在的動作或狀態,這種句子後面常有since或for。

   Ex:I have studied English since elementary school.         (我從小學開始學英文) => 現在還在學

        I have played tennis since the second year in graduated school.         (我從研究所二年級開始打網球)

● 強調已經完成的事   Ex:I have finished my work. (我已經做完我的工作了)

        I have arranged my room. (我已經整理完房間了)

● 表示一種經驗   Ex:I have been America. (我曾到過美國)

        I have seen President Lee. (我曾見過李總統)

        I have worked in the nursing home. (我曾在養老院工作過)

        Jassica has never watched baseball game. (Jassica從未看過棒球比賽)

● 表示一件過去常發生的事

   Ex:We have already had three typhoons so far this year. (今年我國已經有三個颱風了)

        He has already published two papers this year. (他今年已經發表了兩篇論文了)

        It has already rained half month. (已經下了半個月的雨了)

現在完成式(present perfect tense)【S + have + p.p


● 表示發生在過去,而一直延續到現在的動作或狀態,這種句子後面常有since或for。 

  Ex:I have studied English since elementary school.         (我從小學開始學英文) => 現在還在學     

   I have played tennis since the second year in graduated school.         (我從研究所二年級開始打網球)

● 強調已經完成的事   Ex:I have finished my work. (我已經做完我的工作了)      

  I have arranged my room. (我已經整理完房間了)

● 表示一種經驗   Ex:I have been America. (我曾到過美國)     

   I have seen President Lee. (我曾見過李總統)   

     I have worked in the nursing home. (我曾在養老院工作過)     

   Jassica has never watched baseball game. (Jassica從未看過棒球比賽)

● 表示一件過去常發生的事

   Ex:We have already had three typhoons so far this year. (今年我國已經有三個颱風了)

        He has already published two papers this year. (他今年已經發表了兩篇論文了)

        It has already rained half month. (已經下了半個月的雨了)

現在完成式(present perfect tense)【

S + have + p.p


● 表示發生在過去,而一直延續到現在的動作或狀態,這種句子後面常有since或for。

   Ex:I have studied English since elementary school.         (我從小學開始學英文) => 現在還在學  

      I have played tennis since the second year in graduated school.         (我從研究所二年級開始打網球)

● 強調已經完成的事  

Ex:I have finished my work. (我已經做完我的工作了)      

  I have arranged my room. (我已經整理完房間了)

● 表示一種經驗

   Ex:I have been America. (我曾到過美國)

        I have seen President Lee. (我曾見過李總統)

        I have worked in the nursing home. (我曾在養老院工作過)      

  Jassica has never watched baseball game. (Jassica從未看過棒球比賽)

● 表示一件過去常發生的事

   Ex:We have already had three typhoons so far this year. (今年我國已經有三個颱風了)

        He has already published two papers this year. (他今年已經發表了兩篇論文了)

        It has already rained half month. (已經下了半個月的雨了)

未來進行式(future progressive tense)【S + will/shall + be + V-ing

● 表示未來某一時刻或某一段時間正在進行的動作。   Ex:What will you be doing this time tomorrow? (你明天的這個時候會做甚麼?)

        We shall be building a new lipary next month. (我們下個月將正在蓋一棟新的圖書館)

● 未來進行式的口氣會比未來簡單式婉轉客氣

   Ex:When will you be seeing John? (你甚麼時候會見到John)

● 可表原因,結果和可能

   Ex:If you don't work hard, you will not be passing the exam. (若你不努力,你將沒辦法通過考試)

未來進行式(future progressive tense)【S + will/shall + be + V-ing

● 表示未來某一時刻或某一段時間正在進行的動作。

   Ex:What will you be doing this time tomorrow? (你明天的這個時候會做甚麼?)    

    We shall be building a new lipary next month. (我們下個月將正在蓋一棟新的圖書館)

● 未來進行式的口氣會比未來簡單式婉轉客氣   Ex:When will you be seeing John? (你甚麼時候會見到John)

● 可表原因,結果和可能   Ex:If you don't work hard, you will not be passing the exam. (若你不努力,你將沒辦法通過考試)

未來完成進行式(future perfect progressive tense)

S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing

● 表示在未來某時刻開始到未來的一段時間中一直進行,並可能持續進行

   Ex:I will have been waiting 3 hours when the train arrives.        (當火車到達時我將已等了3個小時了)

