網紅老婆嫌棄不長進 小龍女疑遭狠甩

(香港訊)“小龍女”吳卓林與網紅老婆Andi Autumn同性婚姻疑亮紅燈,Andi 13日在IG發長文,大罵吳卓林不長進,二人似鬧分手!成龍與吳綺莉的20歲女兒吳卓林,2017年公開認愛大她12歲的加拿大籍網紅Andi,兩人愛得轟轟烈烈,屢登上新聞版面,去年更在加拿大注冊結婚。但是,Andi 13日卻突然在IG發文,寫說“我希望你好,但你甚至不試著做自己。你還有自己嗎?”,文中又提到“我無家可歸時我拋開一切,但我的心讓我定下來,所以我找到自己的方向,弄清楚你是怎樣的人。你稱你自己是豬,但你不想像我們一樣飛翔嗎?積極向上吧,不要老是跟在我屁股後面找答案。”Andi在字裡行間都像是對吳卓林相當失望,嫌棄她頹廢不長進,在文末甚至叫吳卓林“離我遠一點,拜托說再見好嗎?”,令人不禁懷疑兩人關系是否生變。

View this post on InstagramI hate that I inspire you still because you STILL don’t get it girl. Wish you the best but your not even trying to be yourself. Do you even have a self? Saying you “don’t exist” must be lonely for real. Find yourself and stop finding my page. Get well soon thief of my favorite cartoon name. Stealing since we met and never changing all these years. But “deep faking” #deepfakes are going viral these days. What will you have left? I’ve had everything ripped from under me when I was homeless but heart keeps me grounded so I found my way. Get a clue what kind you are. You call yourself pigs but don’t you want to fly like us birds? Take a leap of positivity and stop following me for answers. I don’t even have to try when people send me your “art” and it’s a collage of stolen work so it’s easy to hide. I’m sending love but leave me alone now. Say goodbye finally ok? You can do it!! 👍

