小鴨鴨找不到媽!暖心警「一路護送」 鴨鴨列隊緊跟到水池:謝謝叔叔~


▼休士頓警局分享了一段警員引導小鴨們找媽媽的影片。警員Larry Satterwhite要小鴨們跟上自己的腳步,小鴨們也非常聽話,邁著小碎步緊緊跟在他的身後,一路來到水池邊找到了等待已久的鴨媽媽。

Houston Police@houstonpolice

While ensuring Memorial Park was secure, Asst. Chief @SatterwhiteLJ provided a police escort for these ducklings trying to find their mom. Remember parks are closed this

#EasterWeekend, but we’re keeping things under control with @HPARD until you can return #StayHome #hounews 🦆

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6:20 AM - Apr 12, 2020

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Priscilla Thompson@PriscillaWT

A big thank you to @houstonpolice Sgt. Engelhart who not only helped me after I locked my keys in the car this morning, but also helped these little chicks find their way back to mom — all while making sure that folks know all

@HoustonTX parks are closed due to #COVID19.

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2:36 AM - Apr 12, 2020

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