


但是今天馬來西亞著名廚師Chef Wan 在 instagram 發布了一則影片,並寫下一段感言來打臉國陣!網民看了請盡量分享出去!本期最熱話題,非你莫屬!

Chef Wan 在instagram 的影片描述大約是這樣:“聽聽看檳城現在變得怎麼樣了。一個真真正正治理得當的州屬,可以從不斷稱贊這個古城的旅客反映出來。




影片來源:Chef Wan Instagram: instagram.com/chefwan58

【檳州政府做得好】大馬名廚Chef Wan和檳城馬來司機親身說法,稱贊檳州政府!!!(馬來語)


Chef Wan’s chat with Penang taxi driver an eye-opener


PETALING JAYA: Celepity chef Redzuawan Ismail, better known as Chef Wan, has a few comments about Penang and the meaning of good governance.

“True that good governance of the state will speak by itself from the tourists that visited our countries that kept saying how wonderful this old city is and well-preserved to the rakyat biasa yg menikmati secara apa yg di sediakan (the people who are used to enjoying what has been given),” he said in a recent Instagram post using his handle, @chefwan58.

Chef Wan’s post was accompanied by a 30-second video clip of a conversation he had with a Penang taxi driver, who told him that Penangites were “very happy” with the current state government.

Curious to know the taxi driver’s opinion of just how many Penangites were satisfied, Chef Wan suggested the figure “80%”, to which he received a rather surprising reply.

“Lebih (more),” the taxi driver told him. He said everyone was happy, and the city was much cleaner and better maintained than it had ever been under the previous administration.

The taxi driver added that he did not take into consideration religion or ethnicity when forming his opinion, only the ability of Penang’s leaders.

“These are very good people,” he said.

In his Instagram post, Chef Wan said that the people could evaluate for themselves what was going on in Penang.

“Rakyat sendiri hari ini boleh menilai segalanya what more all that filthy and sick game being staged up there!

“Only idiots and bad apples cannot see all this,” he said, adding that such people were peddling their own agendas.

“However if u are honest and just want to ping changes to this nation u will do it anyway.”

Chef Wan stressed he was not taking sides but only wanted to do what he could for the country.

“Saya sayang negara saya mau pun bangsa saya apa tah agama saya tetapi saya tak reti simpan dendam dan iri hati (I love my country, my race and my religion, but I do not want to hold grudges or be envious)….

“I just went to do what i need to do for my country despite others that refused to help me and put me down.”

