最新火爆消息!納吉:喊告反對黨 潘儉偉!【不滿遭誹謗貪污與專斷竊國】那就敢敢告Tony Pua 吧!也一拼把喊告了幾年都不敢告的WSJ哦!沒LP.....

不滿遭誹謗貪污與專斷竊國  納吉發律師信要潘儉偉致歉




不滿上載具誹謗視頻  首相喊告要潘儉偉道歉

Image result for tony pua najib

(吉隆坡11日訊)首相拿督斯裡納吉今日向行動黨八打靈再也北區國會議員潘儉偉發出律師信,並促對 方撤回其面子書中含有誹謗言論的短片。

納吉代表律師拿督哈法立佔透露,律師信是在今午4 時45分發給潘儉偉。

潘儉偉今年4 月6 日於伊斯蘭黨主席拿督斯裡哈迪阿旺在國會提呈355 法令修正案動議時,上載主題 為“國陣政府放棄所有法案,以讓路給伊黨355 私人法案”的視頻。


他強調,其當事人並非是專制的獨裁者,他沒回避任何批評,甚至不曾參與不堪的活動,也不曾奪取人 民的財產。

他說,潘儉偉上述做法具有惡意,因為他毫無根據的指控,詆毀其當事人的政治地位,國內外的良好聲 譽,也破壞其當事人的傑出表現。


若對方7 天內沒有任何行動,將會面對訴訟行動。

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Tony Pua:Ah, my Prime Minister really loves me.

He has sent me another love letter demanding that I retract certain comments made about his most honourable. He loved me so much his lawyers pought TV3 along so as to make sure the world knows his unpidled affection.

My favourite part(s) of the letter?

"Contrary to your defamatory statements above, our client is not a tyrannical and oppressive kleptocrat nor does he shun criticisms, neither he is a leader involved in corrupt practices nor a leader who steals the people's monies.

Accordingly, your entirely baseless and false allegations are intended to disparage our client's high political standing, immense goodwill both local and international and unblemished record of performance."

Poetry to the ears.

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