English Adjective Words Exercise (Year 1 - Year 6)

English Adjective Words Exercise

   In every language, adjectives are important elements of sentences. Using adjectives means that we can express the quality of any person or object. Without adjectives we could not say how any object looks like. Not only pronouns and adjectives are the words which are used for description of something or somebody. In addition; when we read a paper which is a descriptive one, adjectives help us to picture the content of what we read about. If I give an example for it which can you picture better??

Adjectives are important because they...

---  describe a noun (person, place, or thing)

---  tell more about a noun (person, place, or thing)

---  make sentences more interesting

---  affect the meaning of  sentences

Below is the adjective exercise suitable for primary school students.

for year 1, 2 and 3, please download here

for year 4, 5 and 6, pelase download here.
