Easter Double XP Event Started? Event Details Leaked Ahead Of Schedule!

pokemon go easter double xp event

Of course, we knew that there was going to be some kind of Easter event, but now it seems like there might finally be some information to work with. According to Reddit user “HiddenLeaker” over on The Silph Road

, we’re going to be getting a Pokemon GO Easter double XP event starting now.

Now before you shrug this off as just another fan-theory or rumor, there is a little more to it than that. First of all, Reddit user “HiddenLeaker” was the 

same person who accurately predicted the Water Festival event nearly 24 hours before it was officially announced by Niantic.

Not only did they correctly predict the event before it was announced, but they also predicted that the Magikarp hat was going to be a thing, too. So, “HiddenLeaker” has a pretty good track record thus far. What exactly do they think is in store for us with this Pokemon GO Easter double XP event?

Well, obviously, double XP. According to the leak, we’ll have double XP starting tomorrow, and it’ll last for a full week. “HiddenLeaker” then went on to mention that there was a second part to the event involving eggs, but wouldn’t say exactly what was going to be happening.

pokemon go easter double xp event starting tomorrow

Source: Niantic, Fair Use

Thankfully, another group of leakers have appeared on Twitter, and seem to have cleared everything up. They go by the name of “Team Eevolution”, and have accurately predicted events and updates in advance in the past.

Their post is written in Spanish, but thankfully, a Silph Road member by the name of Varamyr7skins translated: “Also there will be better ratio of hatching of eggs. This means there will be more chance of rare pokemon such as lapras and snorlax.

So, piece it all together and it looks like we’re going to have double XP and an increased chance to hatch rare Pokemon from eggs. Honestly, at this point we can’t be sure if this information is legitimate or not, but, given the track record of these leakers, we’re going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

But what do you think? Is a Pokemon GO Easter double XP event starting tomorrow? Or do you think this is all just a load of nonsense and the real Easter event will be something totally different? Let me know what you think in the comment section below!
