Double XP Easter Event Has Begun: This Is Everything You Need To Know

Pokemon GO Double XP Easter Event

In case you missed it, the Pokemon GO double XP Easter event officially kicked off on the 13th of April, just like we predicted it would. As well as double XP for every action you perform in-game, trainers are also being awarded additional candy for every egg hatched!

And, to top it all off, rare Pokemon are hatching from 2km and 5km eggs. I know we say this every time there’s a new event, but this might just be the best event yet! This is everything you need to know about the Pokemon GO double XP Easter event:

The first thing is, obviously, the double XP. Double XP is a big deal in Pokemon GO, and this is only the second time since the game was launched that we’ve had a double XP event. I hope you’ve been saving up your Pidgey candy, because this is the perfect opportunity to 

crack a Lucky Egg and evolve some Pokemon with four times the XP!

To make a good event great, we’ve also been spoiled with rare Pokemon hatching from 2km & 5km eggs. Some of the notable Pokemon that have been shifted to 2km eggs for the event are Aerodactyl, Grimer, and Lapras. 

Note: When the event first started, many websites reported that Larvitar was hatchable from 2km eggs, which has since been proven to be false.

Pokemon GO Double XP Easter Event

Source: Nintendo, Fair Use

As for the 5km eggs, this could be the best possible treat of all. The Generation 2 starter Pokemon Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil have now been confirmed to hatch from 5km eggs! Not only have they been added to 5km eggs, but it appears that 

they are the only Pokemon hatching from 5km eggs obtained during the event.

While we’re on the topic of eggs; you’ll notice that you receive a little bit of bonus candy from each and every egg that you hatch. It’s not quite double candy like we were expecting, but it is an extra 1 or 2 from what we would normally obtain. Hey, can’t complain about free candy now can we?

And, last but certainly not least, Lucky Eggs are currently half price in the shop, so now is the best time to buy some. The Pokemon GO double XP Easter event will run until 1PM PDT on the 20th of April 2017, so make the most of it while it lasts!

What do you think about the Pokemon GO double XP Easter event? Have you been using a Lucky Egg to give yourself 4x the XP and then evolving every Pokemon in your inventory? Or have you been doing something different? Let me know how this event has been going for you in the comment section below!
