你知道Pokémon Go是怎麼來的嗎?


原本已經退燒的「神奇寶貝 皮卡丘」,搭上Google地圖抓寶,沒想到又捲土重來,成為席捲全球的超火手遊「精靈寶可夢」。(圖/東網)

你今天抓寶了嗎?「精靈寶可夢」成為近來熱門手遊必備款,但你知道Pokémon Go是怎麼來的嗎?沒想到一個原本只是Google在愚人節的玩笑,竟然無心插柳柳成蔭,連遊戲公司本身都很驚訝,原來結合了Google地圖尋找皮卡丘可以成為時下最熱門的遊戲。本集新聞英文要告訴大家Pokémon Go的由來,跟著子璇老師一起認識Pokémon Go,還可以學英文喔~~

●‘Pokémon Go’ Went From Prank to Phenomenon


An app that began as an April Fools joke has become a worldwide phenomenon, taking gamers out of the living room and on to the streets as they compete to capture, train and battle Pokémon characters using their mobile phones.


The origin of Pokémon Go is quite peculiar. It began as an April Fools joke launched by Google in 2014. In a mischievous post, Google announced that for one day, Pokémon would appear on Google Maps, letting powsers search for them at real-world landmarks. It was said to be a new training tool, created in conjunction with Pokémon and Nintendo for hunting Pokémon using Google Maps. The company claimed to hire the worlds best Pokémon Master—because it valued technically savvy risk takers who can navigate through tall grass to capture wild creatures.




The enthusiastic reaction to Googles fake Pokémon Challenge video resonated within Niantic Labs, which is a little-known startup that had been incubating within the company. “People seemed to really love that combination of Maps and Pokémon,” said Niantic Labs’ chief executive, John Hanke.


When the app is opened, it shows a map of the area around the player, with various points of interest marked – statues, clock towers and so on. Players have to physically walk up to one of the points, referred to in the game as a Pokéstop, then tap an icon on screen to be rewarded with items and experience points.




A prank was what it took to hatch a mobile video game that has turned into a cultural phenomenon. Yet, the real-world aspects of the game have also, inevitably, led to a darker side emerging. Players might be immersed into the game and be petrified on the road, causing problems to other pedestrians. Authorities have issued warning in terms of safety.



