泰式蒸石斑魚 THAI STEAMED GAROUPA FISH 帶點酸,帶點辣,又有點甜的蒸魚,配飯超好吃!



分量: 4-5人份需時: 30分鐘

材料:石斑魚 – 1 條 (500克)香菜 – 少許(切段)

蒸魚材料:蒜 – 5瓣 (去衣剁碎)小辣椒 – 3條 (切粒)酸柑汁 – 3湯匙 (2粒酸柑,扭汁去籽*)魚露 – 1湯匙鹽 – 1茶匙糖 – 1茶匙油 – 1湯匙

准備功夫:1.把魚洗淨,上碟2.混合蒸魚材料3. 把蒸魚材料平均的淋再魚上

蒸魚法:1. 把魚放入含有滾水的鍋內,大火蒸10 分鐘2. 上卓,灑上香菜,完成。

* 小提示:1. 可用鐵叉叉入魚最厚得部分測試魚的熟度,叉得過魚身就表示魚已經熟了,叉不過就得再蒸煮1-2分鐘。2. 酸柑籽帶苦。所以,扭出來的酸柑汁一定要去籽,不然蒸魚湯汁會變苦而影響這菜的風味。

A little bit of sour, a little bit of spicy, a little bit of sweet, a lot of satisfactions!

Portion: 4-5 paxTime required: 30 minutes

Ingredients:1 garoupa fish (400g)1 strand of coriander (cut it)

Sauce Ingredients:5 cloves of garlic (peel off skin, mince it)3 cili padi (cut it)2 tbsp calamansi juice (squeezed from 1 calamansi)1 tbsp fish sauce1 tsp salt1 ½ tsp sugar1 tbsp oil

Preparations:1. Clean the fish, set it aside2. Mix all the sauce ingredients3. Pour mixed sauce ingredients evenly on top of the fish

Steps:1. Steam the fish with boiled water and high heat for 10 minutes2. Dress it with coriander and spring onion, it’s done!

* Tips:1. To check doneness of the fish, gently poke a fork into the flesh of the fish and twist gently. If the flesh flakes apart easily, then the fish is done2. Remember to remove calamansi seed after squeezed otherwise it carries bitterness and affect the taste of the sauce

Music by DJ Quads – Fresh Fruit

